Thursday, October 31, 2019
Management Classes Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Classes - Assignment Example This essay discusses that psychology teaches the importance of understanding the behaviors of others in order to interact well with them. This is important in team work as is mentioned in the interviews. Working in a team requires learning the personalities of others as well as try to integrate all these personalities into the team and ultimately attain success within the specified time.As the paper highlights one of the interviewees was very adamant about team work. She insisted that she worked only with a team if it was absolutely necessary which was not very often. This was quite the opposite of the perspective and life story of the other interviewee who admitted to liking working with a team and did it all the time. What was surprising about the statement was the fact that most people indicated that team work is very effective and reduces the burden of the workload for each individual. The fact that different people will bring in different perspectives as well as solutions to a p roblem makes team work really good in any business. Working independently according to the interviewee leads to the work being completed way ahead of schedule, taking less time and less stress in dealing with different people. Team work should only be taken as strategic points in a plan and not be engaged in at all times and especially by the administrators who hold the highest caliber in the office and who can also intimidate the rest of the team members.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Equality diversity and inclusion in dementia Essay Example for Free
Equality diversity and inclusion in dementia Essay The term consent capacity means for an adult to have the ability to understand information relevant to making an informal or voluntary decision. A wide range of diseases, disorders, conditions and injuries can affect a person’s ability to understand and give consent to information that has been relayed to them. Informed consent is a phrase often used in law to indicate that the consent from the individual meets the certain minimum standards. In order to give informed consent the individual concerned must have adequate reasoning faculties and be in possession of all relevant facts at the time that the consent is given. Impairments to reasoning and judgment which may make it impossible for someone to give informed consent include such factors as basic intellectual or emotional immaturity, high levels of stress such as post-traumatic stress disorder or as severe mental retardation, severe mental illness, intoxication, severe sleep deprivation, Alzheimers disease, or being in a coma. Questioning and challenging decisions that are made by others this would depends on the mental capacity of the individual you want to support. First, you would obtain their permission and then you must get them to explain as exactly as possible what help they reckon they need. Then you can offer further information, suggestions, and a plan to challenge such decisions. You could offer to be their spokesperson if they werent confident enough to speak out, or to accompany them to any hearing or appointment. However if the person is mentally impaired, you would have to get their signed permission to speak and act on their behalf before any health or social care workers would listen to you because of issues of confidentiality, you either have to be next of kin, or obtain powers of attorney or guardianship. How identity, self-image and self-esteem are linked is that self-esteem is how much you value yourself, in an ideal world this would be an equal to anyone purely on the basis of being human. Self-Image is the spinoff of countless self-esteem choices, and is basically your mental image of you as you are, usually not accurate. Identity is linked with this because everyone has their own identity and this is unique to each person. People’s identity is buil t up on their self-image and self-esteem. Every part of your life is influenced by your state of wellbeing. These factors enhance person’s wellbeing; a happy relationship with a partner, enjoyable and fulfilling career, a good network of close friends, a supporting family, enough money, regular exercise, a balanced diet and fun hobbies and leisure. There is lots of different uses for risk assessments for example there will always be a risk assessment carried out and the start of the day or the start of a shift, this is normally and formal risk assessment. You will also risk assess things as you are getting on with your work for example if there is an object in the middle of your path you will may move it out of the way or to the side so you and others can get past safely, these risk assessments you may not realise that you are doing them because they just seem obvious and come so easy to you. You may also risk assess whether people that are in your care are not likely to get injured or lost by contractors that are also using the facilities. Every individual has rights of their own choices and decisions weather it is putting them at risk, this is why risk assessments are carried out to make sure the risks that the individual are willing to take is kept down to the lowest risk. As a carer you have responsibilities to make sure you and your service user are kept out of risks and danger. Risk assessments need to be regularly revised because peoples abilities change which could mean that they can no longer use stairs so you will have to risk assess what may happen if they were to use the stairs and how to prevent them from being at any danger. You also have to risk assess your ability to carry out some activities. So they need to regularly revised because you never know when an environment is going to change.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Development Of Port Services In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay
Development Of Port Services In Sri Lanka Tourism Essay 1. In the world today, all countries are inter connected in more than many ways. of all these connections, transport service are considered to be the most important and unavoidable connection. this transport service may be either human or cargo transport. Today to day there are many ways and methods of transport. Although most of these modern systems are quick and easy .the most ancient sea transport system is still the reliable and the profitable way of transport. Sri Lanka is rich with strategically located natural ports that are === by many other nations. These ports have the potential to be the best ports in the Indian ocean. they should be developed to an international expected standard with modern facilities and features. before embarking on the development of these ports , an in depth study of a few internationally famous ports should be made. If handle methodically and properly, Sri Lanka ports could be the best in South Asia and also be the province economic recourse of the country. This paper is an attempt to analyze and consider the measures that have to be adopted by the authorities in order to develop national ports to maintain highly efficient and productive ports as transshipment centers with adequate capacity equipped with most modern technology and facilities. At present several measures have been taken towards this goal, there is more that could be done to obtain making use of the existing resources. AIM 3. The aim of this service paper is to propose and suggest ways and means of developing Sir Lanka as the leading maritime and aviation center in the South Asian Region. that can complete with the most competitive and user friendly ports in providing high quality port, shipping and aviation service. BACKGROUND 4. For thousands of years, the highly strategic location of the ports of Sri Lanka has lured many a merchant. This is a location that connects Middle East with the Far East, with links to the Australian and African continents and it is the gateway to South Asia. From the past up to date many ships that use the international sea communication route are using Sri Lankan port services due to various reasons such as easy access, quality of the service, cheap labor etc. Therefore Sri Lanka should take maximum advantage of seaports to promote international trade by getting commercial and industrial activities which directly assist the economic progress of the country. The other countries of the region are developping their ports to gain economic benefits out of this sea transportation system. To face this competitive market we need to gear our sources to get the necessary attraction of the world. 5. On the other hand, today Sri Lanka with its far-reaching economic changes and policies has improved infrastructural facilities, tax incentive, opportunities for investment of capital for new industries, and above all the guarantee of the safety of capital invested and presents a favorable environment for foreign investment capital. This transformation of the economy has resulted in the increased industrial and trading activities in Sri Lanka. So this present trade development has influenced the need of development in the port and shipping sector in the country. 6. Sri Lanka Port Authority has the responsibility with the mission to increase our customer base profitability by providing excellent an service and world class facilities. PORTS AND ON GOING PORT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 7. As an island Sri Lanka is privilege to have natural harbors all around the country. But the country was not able to use a few numbers of ports due to various reasons such as war, lack of infrastructure facilities, investment capacity etc. At present with the high economic growth and the end of the armed conflict in may 2009 provides a firm base for all development activities. Port services which were growing significantly in the year 2010.The present ports and development projects are as follows: a. Port of Colombo. It is the main port in Sri Lanka. Located on the southeast side of the island and it is facilities include two terminals, Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) and Queen Elizabeth Quay (QEQ).From 1987 to 1997 due to the commitment , it has done so many development to control the container traffic. For example in mid 1990s it increased from less than 500,000 Twenty foot Equivalent Units (TUEs) over 1.5 million Twenty foot Equivalent Units. But it was not sufficient in 2003 and 2004 around 40% of west to east traffic was being diverted from Colombo port to more competitive ports out side Sri Lanka. Then Sri Lankan governments desire to create public-private partnership in 1999 to improve expands, operate and manage Queen Elizabeth Quay (QEQ) with South Asia Gateway Terminals (private) limited. To day under mentioned projects are going on: (1) Colombo South Harbour development Project. In ocean of about 1000 hectares on the South West of the percent breakwater this proposed harbour will be located. It will have four terminals , 1200 meters each capable of accommodating deeper draft vessels in the future. The development is expected to be done in two stages. The first stage to intfastructure with pulic funds and the second stage for terminal facilities with private sector participation. This project will promote the following Sri Lanka: Facilitate economic growth. Increase competitiveness in international trade. Lower transport cost and faster delivering times. Container handling capacity wills increase. (2). Jaya Container Terminal for the Enhancement of Capacity. Detail design of the extension of the Jaya Container Terminal has been completed. this will enhance the capacity of port of Colombo to accommodate the mega container carriers now and in the future. This also expected to berth two 8000 Twenty foot Equivalent Units container ships at the same time. (3). New Terminal Management System. This system will be implemented with the Sri Lanka port Authority (SLPA). It will replace the present obsolete computer system of the Jaya Container Terminal with modern computer system providing Networking, Radio data and Communication System. b. Galle port. The gall port is located very close to the international sea transport route. It is the very the only Sri Lankan port that provides for pleasure Yachts. All those facilities were destroyed by the Tsunami. It is proposed to develop this port to attract rich tourists and passenger carrier ships. c. Trincomalee Harbour Renovation. Ten times as much as the Colombo, the Trincomalee harbour is considered to be one of the most strategically situated natural harbour in the world. This harbour was tentatively considered to cater for bulk and break bulk cargo transportation. Coming under the new development project the Nagenahira Nawodaya great improvement and vast development is expected to take effect in this famous port. Development of the Hambanthota Port. Hambantota region is considered to be an under develop area both economically and socially. The construction of a sea port in that region will greatly enhance the improvement and the development of that area. the presence of a port in that area will certainly make it an industrial region. Unlike development an also functioning port, this newly constructed port can be streamlined to serve it expected goal. It has to be properly planned and executed. It is to be a commercial harbour will definitely of a more convenient and cost effective access to and from the Southeast region for goods and cargo from the West coast. It will also reduce the congestion in the Colombo harbour. Development of Port in Oluvil. In the process of developing the Eastern Region under the Nagenahira Nawodaya programme it has been decided to build a port at Oluvil. If so constructed it will be the Southern link in the developing chain of coastal harbours. This harbour will be another commercial harbour and basin for fishing crafts. Port of kankasanthurai and point pedro. This is one of the most Tsunami devastated ports in Sri Lanka. It needed urgent rehabilitation and improvement. This improvement includes the repair of the breakwaters, roads and pears. Wrecked and dredging have to be removed from the harbour basin. The Sri Lanka port Authority has carried out urgent and temporary repair to enable it to function without our interruption. The government of India has aided for the removal wracks and for the construction of a new pear. Very vital sections of the harbour are beyond use. The Sri Lanka port Authority while renovating the harbour, have decided to study the feasibility of developing Point Pedro in to a Sri Lanka port Authority regional port. COOPERATIVE VALUES OF SRI LANKA PORT DEVELOPMENT AUTORITY The SLPA is one of the major contributors to the economy of Sri lanka. As a key revenue earning and service providing agency, the role of SLPA is directly to the excellence of its delivery service. In this regard the value system of the authority is the basis for the success of its operational relationship with the stakeholders. These values could be categorized under the following. Dependability Timeliness Accuracy Accountability for Achievement Team Spirit Commitment Reward Recognition Performance with integrity It will be the responsibility of the chairman / chief Executive Officer, The managing Director and Other Senior management staff to inculcate the above values at all levels of the Authority. Hambantota is planned to undertake initially general cargo such as cement, steel, fertilizer, timber, bunkering services, port related industries, coal, RO-RO facilities, off shore services such as ship Chandling, supply of water fuel, crew changes, ship building and ship repair facilities etc. Contract for the construction of phase 1 was awarded to Chinese Joint venture Construction Company at the total cost of US$ 360m and the port will be operational in year 2010 SERVICES RENDERED BY OUR PORTS TODAY 8. Sri Lanka has a number of commercial ports and a National Shipping Fleet to provide services for the Maritime Transport Industry. The governments also encourage and develop multi country consolidation and entrpot trade on a large scale. a. Container Operations. Development of JCT and QEQ facilities enhance the productivity in container handling and off dock facilities such as inland container depots to ease the congestion within the ports. b. Ancillary Services. Ancillary services including ship building, ship repair, ship chandelling, salvage and towage, bunkering services, ship chandelling and off shore supplies, cruise shipping marinas and ship management are available. c. Tariff Concessions. Tariff concessions including lowest Transshipment rates in the region, restoring Transshipment rates irrespective of the mode, attractive rebates of up to 20% of the stevedorage, free storage (of 21 days) for transshipment etc. d. multi country consolidations and enterpot cargo. A separate warehouse has been provided specially for this purpose at the port access road. Special tariff concessions have been given to this multi country consolidation operation that use warehouse within the port. e. Information systems. Computerized systems for planning and control of container handling operations, data interchange between the shipping agents, inquiries available from the personal computers and port users and one stop documentation centre. f. transportation systems. Coordinated port facilities with inland transport and distribution systems in terms of control the ship traffic. g. infrastructure facilities. Connecting road, rail, and barge facilities. I. Other services. Handling of dry and liquid cargo, bulk and break bulk cargo, car carriages and passenger liners. J. port security. Sri Lanka ports authority complies with the relevant requirements of the international ship and port facility security code, contributing to the enhancement of maritime safety and security. MANAGEMENT OF PORT DEVELOPMENT . 9. To gain the status of regional mega hub port in the south Asian region sri lanka will have to compete with Singapore, Port Kelang, dubai and this attempt we will be forced to use all possible resources. Therefore following are the salient points which required when developing port service in Sri Lanka: When developing ports according to the national plan. A comprehensive study should be need of each individual port. These should be combination of medium term and long term planning. While the existing ports are improved by the introduction of modern facilities. The recourses should be constructed according to the international standards. Complete and viable is that which includes all necessary facilities such as transshipping, cargo shipping, fire fighting and rescue service and the like. Planning of new ports should leave space in their for any future improvements. Any future development of existing ports should have the possibility of absorbing any new introduction. The organizational structure of any new port should be flexible enough to adapt to business environment changes. The planning section of management service department should be responsible for the following task: Traffic trend and performance statistics. Forecasting of future traffic shipping and cargo. The evaluation of new trends in ships and cargo handling. The analysis of requirements, water , load equipments and storage. The preparations plan for the future. Preparation of future traffic demands. Forecasting of traffic is an art which need a lot of understanding and experience. This may require the assistance of out side agents, but yet these reports should be checked mathematically and tactically before implementation. In arriving at this dicisions they should have considered the following targets: National economic targets. Have past trends clearly explained and the need for continuation of these trends be questioned. Have the port records being studied well. Will the change of each industry have any effect of the future traffic? The building of new ports. SUMMARY 16. In the two years following the end of a brutal war, Sri Lankas economic growth is projected to exceed six percent, according to the World Banks first annual assessment of regional economies. The interim period requires improvements to existing facilities to bridge the gap between growing demand and shortfalls in facilities, so as to ensure that customers are not lost to competing rival ports. Such losses would have disasters impact on the future of the Ports in Sri Lanka. So it is very vital to initiate actions for renew and expand existing ports in the aspect of Developing Sri Lankan ports as the leading Maritime and Aviation center in the South Asian Region with the most competitive and user friendly ports and airports to provide high quality ports, shipping and aviation services. But it should within the broad national strategy; the development of each individual port must be comprehensively planned. The development of a port consists of a combination of medium-term and long-term planning of new facilities plus-in the case of existing ports-a programme of short-term action to improve the management With New technologies, which can spur changes and will improve the operations. For example, the development of a container terminal can be accompanied by the introduction of modern data-processing methods to improve the quality of the information necessary for managers to control the flow of containers. RECCOMANDATIONS Developing Sri Lankan ports as the leading Maritime centers in the South Asian Region with the most competitive and user friendly ports, following policy decisions has to follow when projecting new ports or expansion of existing ports To consolidate the position of the Colombo Port as an International hub port for container operations and as a logistics center in the South Asian region. To develop a competitive marketing strategy in order to establish the port of Colombo as an International hub-port. c. To develop the port of Galle as a regional port as well as an alternate commercial cargo handling port to the port of Colombo and to develop this port to attract rich tourists and passenger carrier ships. To develop Trincomalee port as an ecologically sensitive, leisure and light commercial port. To develop the port in Kankasanturai, Oluvil and point-pedro as regional commercial ports. To build and establish the Hambantota port initially as a service providing industrial port, and in the long term develop it to be a commercial port for more convenient and cost effective access to and from the Southeast region for goods and cargo from the West coast. Then it will also reduce the congestion in the Colombo harbour. To maintain a high level of productivity and service excellence by enhancing knowledge, skills and creativity and inculcating positive attitudes to all port employees, through systematic Human Resource Development programmers. To develop a strategic development plan for all sea port of Sri lanka.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Alan Bennetts A Cream Cracker Under the Settee Essay -- Play Criticis
Alan Bennett's A Cream Cracker Under the Settee How does Alan Bennett reveal Doris’ character, life and attitude in the dramatic monologue â€Å"a cream cracker under the settee†? Many of Bennett's characters are unfortunate and downtrodden, as in the Talking Heads series of monologues that was first performed at the Comedy Theatre in London in 1992, and then transferred to television. This was a sextet of poignantly comic pieces, each of which portrayed several stages in the character's decline from their initial state of denial or ignorance of their predicament, through their slow realization of the hopelessness of their situation, to a typically bleak Bennett conclusion. The dramatic monologue, â€Å"a cream cracker under the settee†is from that group of six. It is from the point of view of an elderly lady called Doris, who is insistent that the world of her time is much better then the present. She dwells on the past and tells of how things were back then, and how it has changed for the worst. She had fallen while cleaning a picture of her husband Wilfred and most of the monologue is from Doris sitting on the floor in her living room where she fell. Her attitude to the modern world is that it used to be better then it is now, this also shows why she is disapproving of her home help, Zulema, who had not cleaned the picture in the first place. Throughout the play Bennett reviles Doris’ character by showing her affection to the past, she talks to old photographs of her dead husband, Wilfred, and talks aloud to him. This indicates Doris’ apparent loneliness and how she feels â€Å"left behind†by the rest of her generation. When talking about the people she new in the past like Wilfred, she takes on there voice, this shows how she... ...e says it is and sends him away, â€Å"police man: are you alright? Doris: No. I’m all right.†This shows how Doris would rather die then loose her independence as she does not want anyone to think that she cannot take care of herself. This also shows how she has worked herself into a state of mind where she cannot allow herself to give in to the hardship of old age, and refuses to except anyone’s help, this could also be because she is embarrassed about the situation she has got herself into. At the end of the monologue the last stage directions are â€Å"light fades†this shows how they are suggesting that Doris’ life has come to an end and she has given up, you can also take this view from her last line, â€Å"never mind. It’s done with now, anyway.†This leads us to the conclusion that Doris has given up, and knows it is time for her life to end, and that it is â€Å"done with now†.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Tequesta Tribe
The Tequesta was a small, peaceful native American tribe. They were the first tribe in south Florida and they lived in Biscayne bay which is now present day Miami dade county and half of Broward county they also had some small island in the Miami keys. They built many villages at the mouth of the Miami River and along the coastal islands. The chief lived in the main village at the mouth of the Miami River. The Tequesta lived in Huts. like many other tribes in Florida the houses were built with wooden posts, raised floors, and roofs thatched with palmetto leaves. uring the year the main village relocated to barrier islands or to the Florida Keys during mosquito season which lasted about three months. They wore light clothing The men wore a sort of loincloth made from deer hide while the women wore skirts of spainsh or plant fibers hanging from a belt. The Tequesta native American tribe were hunters and gatherers. They relied mainly on fish, shellfish, nuts, and berries for food. The m en caught sharks, sailfish, sea cows which is a manatee. TheTequesta men also consumed cassina known by the black drink which drunk on important rituals. while the women and children gathered clams, conchs, oysters, and turtle eggs in the shallow waters. The manatee was considered a delicacy and served mainly to the chiefs and other important leaders. In the Everglades, they hunted bear, deer, wild boar, and small mammals. The Tequesta used shells and sharks' teeth for a variety of tools. These included hammers, chisels, fishhooks, drinking cups, and spearheads.Sharks' teeth were used to carve out logs to make canoes The Tequesta language may have been closely related to the language of the calusa of the southwest Florida coast and the Mayamis who lived around lake okeechobee in the middle of the lower Florida peninsula. The Tequesta were once thought to be related to the Taino, the Arawakin people of the Antilles. The Tequestas had many weird customs such as: when they bury their c hiefs, they buryed the smallbones with the body and put the large bones in a box for the village people to adore and hold as heir gods. They also stripped the flesh from the bone, burned the flesh and then gave the cleaned bones to the dead chief's relatives, with the larger bones going to the closest person. The miami circle is the site of a known Tequesta village south of the mouth of the Miami River . Ithas of 24 large holes or basins, and many smaller holes, which have been cut into bedrock. Together these holes form a circle approximately 38 feet in diameter. Other arrangements of holes are apparent as well.The Circle was discovered during an archeological survey of a site being cleared for construction of a high-rise building. Charcoal samples collected in the circle have been radiocarbon dated to approximately 1,900 years ago. The tequesta were second in power among the small tribes of Florida’s southeast coast. To the northwere the Jeaga and Jobe, and to the west and southwest were the powerful Calusa. According to historians of the early 20th century the chief of the Tequesta was related to the chief of the Calusa.The first record of European contact with the Tequesta was in 1513, by Juan Ponce de Leon when he discovered florida's coast. During the 1500s, Europeans began arriving in Florida. At first the Tequesta did not welcome these new visitors. But before long, the Europeans won their friendship by bribing them by bringing gifts of colored cloth, knives, and rum. The Tequesta numbered about 800, but they started to die out as a result of settlement battles, slavery, and disease. By the 1800s the Tequesta tribe had only a few survivors.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
George Washinton essays
George Washinton essays The Success Of George Washingtons Administration George Washington was the first President of the United States, tackling a difficult job in putting the countrys government together. Washington was very successful in running the country, setting a precedent for the future presidents of the United States. He helped to organize the country into a nation with a powerful and organized government that supplied the laws and enforcements that the country needed to survive. He also remained neutral in foreign affairs that may have led to the demise of the young and weak United States if a side had been chosen. The people of the United States had a generally good picture of Washington as a successful President. After he served two terms, he was urged to run a third time, but he declined. Washington filled in the holes left in the Constitution by passing the Bill of Rights, the Judiciary Act, and the Mint Act. The United States became more unified, developing a national currency, a strong central government, and a judicial branch that prevents corruption by having higher courts to appeal to. Washington kept the trust of the people, touring the Northeast in 1789 and the South in 1791. He appealed to the wants and needs of the citizens, moving the capital of the nation to the District of Columbia in 1793 to please the Southerners. Washington ordered troops to stop the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, proving to the nation that the government had more power than during the time of the Articles of Confederation. Even following his presidency, he set a standard for what he viewed to be a good go vernment in his Farewell Address. He urged his countrymen to steer clear of political parties and to remain neutral in times of foreign wars and conflicts. Washington succeeded in protecting the country from outside conflicts and dangers during his presidency. Although many disagreed with his foreign policies, he insisted on being ...
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