Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay examples --
It is already well known that treating LPS to RAW 264.7 cells increases both the latter’s length and surface area, as the former is recognized by the latter as a PAMP (Christie). While the general direction of morphological change was predicted, its degree with respect to the concentration of LPS solution treated still remained in question. Thus, the investigation assessed the following two aspects of morphological change compared to their negative control groups: Difference in average length and surface area of RAW 264.7 cells. As shown in Figure 3 of this investigation, a positive correlation exists between the concentration of LPS solution treated and the difference in average length of RAW 264.7 cells compared to that of those of the negative control group; for instance, the latter increased from 14.385  µm to 53.763  µm as the former increased from 0.1  µg†¢ml-1 to 100  µg†¢ml-1. The latter’s magnitude of increase decreased with each increase in the former, exhibiting the correlation’s logarithmic behavior; compared to the latter’s increase from 25.215  µm to 44.001  µm as the former increased from 1  µg†¢ml-1 to 10  µg†¢ml-1, the latter’s increase from 44.001  µm to 53.763  µm as the former increased from 10  µg†¢ml-1 to 100  µg†¢ml-1 was marginal. The overall correlation between the two variables shown is strong, as evidenced by its high correlation coefficient value (R2=0.9846) and the absence of outliers throughout th e data. Figure 4 of this investigation also displays a positive correlation between the concentration of LPS solution treated and the difference in average surface area of RAW 264.7 cells compared to that of those of the negative control group; for instance, the latter increased from 55.714  µm2 to 277.400  µm2 as the former ... ...ral weaknesses were considered. For instance, fractures in cytoplasmic processes most likely have originated from physical damage rather than from immunologic interactions; repeated attempts to attach coverslips onto the SEM specimen stubs using carbon adhesive tabs seems to be the cause. Nevertheless, previous studies on relevant fields show that some transcription factors involved in TLR4 signaling pathway may regulate LPS-induced apoptosis in macrophages (Ma et al. 41827). Connections could thus be drawn between the concentration of LPS solution treated and RAW 264.7 cell death to some degree. The existence of a threshold value for LPS concentration to induce cell death may also explain the logarithmic correlations seen in differences in average length and surface area of RAW 264.7 cells, suggesting a limit to which the cells can undertake immunologic responses.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Personal Views Ethics
u01a1 Personal Views Ethics Essay Each person should live with moral standards. To distinguish between the right and wrong is based on the person’s ethics. It describes what kind of values and beliefs does the person has. In business, it composed of standard ethics that serves as a guideline among employees about their expectation to the company. Newell S. stated that ethics in business focuses on identifying the moral standards of right and wrong as they apply to behaviour within and across business institutions and other related organizations.The goal of business is to gain profit but, the fair practices they implement internally and externally matters because the values they represents reflects the ethics of the company. Rajeeve stated that the lack of business ethics in the market is the reason the world economy is presently in crisis. Unethical practices such as dishonesty, lack of transparency, creating false documents, and sexual discrimination are activities that are n ot fair. A Quick Ethics Test from Dayton Fandray of Raytheon Company was chosen to distinguish the ethical values of the person when faced in dilemmas. Consider the following article: Drawbacks of Business EthicsIt includes the information about legalities, the affected person of such case, fitting of right values, the appearance in newspaper, its reflection on the company, the choice of being right and the feeling towards the result (Salopek J. , 2001). Through this test, the company can assess the capabilities of their employees in terms of ethical thinking. A concrete briefing about the company’s ethics is needed as a recommendation after the assessment. This test is valid to develop the employee’s ability in decision making against the company’s policy and procedures, regulations, values and self-The effects of ethics in Business perspective. When an employee turns to a gray decision situation, reflecting through this test is essentially help before proceeding. Myths of Business Ethics Ketz, E. (2003) stated that many myths exist in the business world. He lay out seven ethics and five were further discussed in the following section. The first myth given is about the non-existence of business ethics. Principles of ethics were come from the personal life. The correlation of ethics to the aspects of life is given proof and justifiable than the business ethics itself.The value of honesty is adapted from the person’s character and applied in the business policy. Ethics is a matter of education alone. This explains that those who are educated are the only one who has ethics. But, most unethical people in the business world came from the prestigious universities. Responsibility for ethical education rests with colleges and universities. This myth emphasizes that colleges and universities are accountable for the training of ethics of such person. To clarify this, ethics is learn through one’s belief and shape by the experiences gain.The behaviour or attitude reflects the character of the person as a whole. Ethics is different from mathematics that needs to be computed or English that needs to be grammatically correct. The effects of ethics Business Ethical dilemmas are episodic. This myth explains that ethical problems comes only occasionally during one's life. Ethical dilemmas are not planned. It came out unexpectedly and the frequent encounter of it doesn’t count. It doesn’t have limits on how many times it will come to the person’s live.Professional ethics can be separated from personal ethics. This myth is not true. The ethics of such person reflects with its own character. The way the person presents himself whether in the business or personal aspects of his life is the same. Decision Making Ethics in business serves as a guide to employees to give confidence in their decision. It equips them tools and references that will help in decision making. It established unified rules and belief that will entrust each employee to help each other towards the goal of the company.Effective leaders in the company influence the factors of the su ccess against the endeavours. They are the key decision maker. The person in this position should have strong character and principles that will not oppose to the company’s unified ethics. They are the people who are personally ethical in word, thought, and deed and who conduct their decision making openly so that they're perceived as ethical even from a distance. In a corporation, the decision maker varies from the higher position to the lower. There are different areas of expertise divided into different department.Decisions about prospective The effects of ethics in Business Clients were under the jurisdiction of sales department and not with the finance group. There are boundaries and responsibility within their own people. The leader of each group evaluates certain cases, reacts and form a solution based on company’s ethics. Conclusion Having a business ethics is important. Chen E. emphasizes the code of ethics symbolizes the ethical responsibilities of the compan y and the expectations of its employees. It serves a guide to the employees and the company as well.The success of the company varies with the ethics they have. And the ethics are based to the people involved in the organization who run and facilitate the business. Ethics are not made for displays but, for application with purpose. The challenge of being ethical an unethical in the business world has been raised. Despite the rampant unethical leaders in different industries, one of the objective can possess is the elimination of unethical business leader as start with ourselves. It can serves as a model to other beginners and will lessen the possible add- ons.The other objective or expectation for this course is to learn more in depth about the different business ethics among different companies. The issues and lawsuit tendered can be the case for justification and reference. The last expectation is to finally adapt or embrace the business ethics in the concept of being a future lea der or businessman/women. References Chen E. Main Principles of Business Ethics. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Main-Principles-of-Business-Ethics&id=4502579 Ketz, E. 2003) The Accounting Cycle: Myths about Ethics. Retrieved from http://accounting. smartpros. com/x38366. xml Newell S. Business Ethics Q finance. Retrieved from http://www. qfinance. com/contentFiles/QF02/g1xtn5q6/12/2/business-ethics. pdf Rajeev L. Ethical and Unethical Business Practices. Retrieved from http://www. buzzle. com/articles/ethical-and-unethical-business-practices. html Salopek J. , (July 2001) Right Thing – business ethics. Retrieved from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m4467/is_7_55/ai_77713888/pg_3/? tag=content;col1
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
How The Utilities Industry Changed The Us And Gis Essay
12/12/2016 Utilities in the US and GIS GIS is critical to the utilities industry in the US. It allows them to perform mundane tasks that they are required to perform with new levels of ROI (return on investment), safety, and man-hour efficiency. It also allows them to save the taxpayer a substantial sum of money yearly, and also the ability to remain profitable while billing for less. In this paper, I will first discuss some of the basic ways that the utilities industry in the US is using GIS to achieving all of these things, then into each part of the electrical utilities industry and then delve into some of the more technical items used by the industry and their function within the industry as a whole. Geography, as defined in the Cambridge dictionary is â€Å" the study of features and systems of the earth’s surface, including continents, mountains, seas, weather, and plant life, and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area.†(3) Therefore, I think it is important to defi ne the history of electricity to give perspective, and its physical properties on a smaller scale to help understand larger concepts from a power engineering perspective. Unfortunately, there is a lot of relevant information to cover before GIS is brought into fruition. Electricity had always been in a rather elementary and simple form of static electricity, until people discovered we could harness its properties to conduct work, light spaces and various other uses.Show MoreRelatedGeographic Information Systems2343 Words  | 9 PagesInformation System (GIS) stores and links non-graphic attributes of geographically referenced data with graphic map features allowing for a wide range of information processing and display operations, as well as map production, analysis, and modeling. A working GIS is composed of hardware, software, data, people, and a set of methods. Using these components a GIS is capable of storing, manipulating, and managing data, then subsequently analyzing, visualizing, and modeling the data. 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